"I used to think the brain was the most fascinating part of the human body, then I realized: look who's telling me that."
-Emo Philips
Friday, December 15, 2006
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
The night, like bacon round a francheezie, has begun to surrond me (and the cheese canal of my inner sanctum)

I wonder if we'll ever know just how many nudes there are sitting on rocks on other planets looking up and wondering how many nudes there are sitting on rocks only to find out that in the end they too subscribe to the notion that one benchmark of civilization is the covering of genitalia.

And so it was that after hours of what seemed to him like spirited debate, Lenny the Statesman realized that the strange creatures hadn't the foggiest notion of what economic indicators were let alone which were best for the long term.
Monday, December 11, 2006

-Venus's impenetrable cloud cover warrants, at the very least, healthy suspicion, at worst outright mistrust
-so we don't have to fight them within our own atmosphere.
-disaffected Plutonians' icy stares could bring about a chilling effect on our economic output.
-the fact that the ancient Hebrews called Mercury the star of the sun or the son of the sun seems to mock the new testament and all it stands for: this is needless affrontery indicative of galactic ambitions which, when coupled with the erraticness of its namesake, makes some sort of security measures deperately needed. (magma core of the planet could also afford them the use of fireballs should it come to armed conflict)
-Saturn coddles terrorists
-the moon has to decide whose side it's on
-because freedom isn't free.
-Venus's impenetrable cloud cover warrants, at the very least, healthy suspicion, at worst outright mistrust
-so we don't have to fight them within our own atmosphere.
-disaffected Plutonians' icy stares could bring about a chilling effect on our economic output.
-the fact that the ancient Hebrews called Mercury the star of the sun or the son of the sun seems to mock the new testament and all it stands for: this is needless affrontery indicative of galactic ambitions which, when coupled with the erraticness of its namesake, makes some sort of security measures deperately needed. (magma core of the planet could also afford them the use of fireballs should it come to armed conflict)
-Saturn coddles terrorists
-the moon has to decide whose side it's on
-because freedom isn't free.
Friday, December 08, 2006

"Alright enough! After Bobbo here got shrunk I thought maybe it was you, Big Chief Walks Like Duck, but now it's all too clear: I just saw you shrink Alan Funt, the donkey, Milo the Medicine Man. Now just cut it out, the both of you!"

Now that his Aunt Clorvis was gone, nobody but his trusted horse, Maurice Chevalier, knew what a lively dancer Styles "Two Shoes" Papanikalaus had become. If he ever did make it, he assured his friend he would get the credit for their signature hand claps that he deserved.

And he played and he played. And after while the other Gods were able to convince the vengeful Hera that she was actually a very caring and empathetic immortal. The fact that she had responded to the impolitic boasts of Gerana the queen of the Pygmies - that she was more beautiful than herself - by turning her into a crane and proclaiming that her bird descendants would forever wage war on the already slighted Pygmy folk was really self-defense. So they were half a body shorter than any other human; so they were a winsome people whose only earthly joys came from turning cartwheels, weaving and filberts; so they already lived in paralyzing fear of prairie dogs and hoot owls; a halfling ought to know their place.
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